In June of 2007, I asked respected friends for music recommendations so that I could get some fresh music in my collection. Both “derek becker”: and Jim Boyd gave fascinating tips, and I bought eight of the albums they plugged:
* Chenier, Clifton, _60 Minutes with the King of Zydeco_
* Field Music, _Tones of Town_
* Griffin, Patty, _Flaming Red_
* LaVette, Bettye, _I’ve Got My Own Hell to Raise_
* Mahotella Queens, _Izibani Zomgqashiyo_
* Medeski, John, The North Mississippi Allstars, and Robert Randolph, _The Word_
* St Germain, _Tourist_
* Sun Kil Moon, _Ghosts of the Great Highway_
Thanks, guys! Strong picks that have enriched my listening.