The thing about “common knowledge” is that sometimes it isn’t. Yesterday I discovered by accident a thing that I needed to know, but didn’t even know I needed to. A classic “unknown unknown.” Namely, the four booster bushings holding up the innards of an Olympia SM3 typewriter often need replacing, and it’s dead simple to do. But only if you know you might need to.
Continue reading “Simple—If You Know About It”1968 Smith-Corona Classic 12
This lovely manual typewriter I dub “Flower Child” for its hippie vibe and late-’60s design. But it’s square enough to be a really great typer, too.

Interpretive Typing #1
You’ve heard of “interpretive dance.” Well, this is “interpretive typing”: the free intervention into the layout of a significant text using the capabilities of a typewriter to focus or even redirect attention.
Continue reading “Interpretive Typing #1”